
Copyediting, Developmental Editing and Proofreading Services.

General Editing Price Sheet

Editing Service TypePricing per Word
Developmental EditingUS$0.028/word
Manuscript Evaluation (a.k.a. Assessment/Critique)*US$0.018/word
Line EditingUS$0.023/word

What You Get

Developmental Editing

You receive a full editorial report breaking down and analyzing your manuscript in all areas. You also receive an annotated copy of your manuscript, highlighting areas with inline comments with suggestions for improvements.

Manuscript Evaluation (a.k.a. Assessment/Critique)

You receive a report assessing the general feel of your story, depicting what works, and giving suggestions on areas that may need improvement.

*The minimum charge for a manuscript evaluation is 25$ for short stories.

Line Editing

You receive an annotated copy of your manuscript with inline comments, highlighting areas where the language of your story may need improvement for clarity and poignancy.


You receive an annotated copy of your manuscript with inline comments highlighting errors in grammar, syntax, and typos. Queries will also be made in areas showing inconsistencies, lack of clarity, and redundancies, as well as any other errors spotted. You also receive a style sheet with all the necessary information to pass on to your proofreader.


You receive an annotated copy of your manuscript with inline comments highlighting any errors (grammar, syntax, typos, formatting) left on the manuscript before sending it off to publish.

**Proofreading: It’s recommended to get a fresh set of eyes for a proofread, so I accept finalized manuscripts ready for publishing that have already been through several rounds of editing through someone else and need a final once-over. But if I’ve worked on a line edit or copyedit for you, then my advice is for a fresh set of eyes to give it a proofread after me. Having looked at your manuscript several times will reduce my precision at catching smaller errors.

Other Information

  • Short stories, novellas & novel-length manuscripts are accepted.
  • While these rates are based on stand-alone services, they can be adjusted when purchasing a combination of packages. Please email me so we can better discuss the pricing for your particular project.
  • When booking a service, a deposit of $200 of the final total will be asked to be paid in order for your spot to be held.
  • 50% of the final cost will be required before commencing work on projects over 30k words.
  • Payments by milestones are available. Feel free to email me so we can discuss what plan works best for you.
  • Projects under 30k words must be paid in full before commencing work on the project.
  • All manuscripts are accepted in Microsoft Word or PDF. Files in Google Docs will have to be converted before sending.
  • Some genres are excluded.