Tag: manuscript critique

Copyediting, Developmental Editing and Proofreading Services.

How Can a Manuscript Critique or Developmental Edit Help You With Your Romance Novel

Writing a romance novel is far from easy, contrary to popular belief. There are so many factors to keep in mind: character arcs, tropes, expectations, etc. An editor can assist you with making sure that your story romance story is hitting the mark and that all its elements are working cohesively so that your vision is clear and also creating a poignant story that stays with readers for a long time.

A woman sits on the floor of a living room typing on a laptop

What’s the Difference Between a Beta Read and a Manuscript Critique

Some authors believe that a beta read can take the place of professional editing, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Find out how a beta read and a manuscript critique differ and why the former cannot replace the latter.