Tag: writing advice

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How to Effectively Write and Convey Emotion in Your Story

Writing emotion can be tricky. Some writers may be under the impression that the way to do this is by amplifying the drama in a scene, by inserting long monologues, or showing the characters having intense physical reactions. This isn’t always the best way to handle a character’s emotions as it can cross into melodrama. Read on to find out how to effectively write and convey emotion in your story.

What is Psychic Distance and How Can Writers Use It In Their Novels

You may already be familiar with the concept of first-person, second-person, and third-person point of view. But did you know that within each point of view, there are ways to get closer or further away from your characters? This is what we call psychic distance. Psychic distance refers to the degree of emotional closeness between…
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What’s an Unreliable Narrator and How to Write One

Reading and writing about an unreliable narrator can be thrilling, but it can also be a bit tricky. Read on for some tips that are sure to help you make the most out of writing an unreliable narrator!

Why You Should Avoid Melodrama in Your Writing

New writers often conclude that to write a strongly emoted scene one must amp up all the reactions, the dialogue, and the moment must become BIGGER. But this isn’t true. All this does is create melodrama. More often than not, less is more. Read on to find out why should avoid melodrama in your writing and tips on how to achieve this.

Is Your Novel Romance or Women’s Fiction

There’s some confusion about what exactly categorizes a novel as romance. The idea seems to be that if your novel includes a love story it automatically falls under romance. However, this is incorrect and could cost writers a spot with their agent or publisher of choice, not to mention, reader expectations for the romance genre are high. Read on to learn what defines a novel as romance and what the differences are between that and women’s fiction.

How Writers Can Use Positive Affirmations to Help Them Find The Motivation They Need

Writers need a lot of constant encouragement when they’re working on a novel. This isn’t anything to be ashamed about. There’s nothing wrong with needing a bit of a pep talk from a friend, fellow writers, loved ones, or even from ourselves. One thing that’s sure to help us get back on track when we’re feeling low about our writing journey are positive affirmations. Especially when we place these somewhere where we can see them all the time. Read on to learn more about the magic of using affirmations and even find a few graphics with affirmations to help you get started!

deus ex machina plot device in fiction writing

What is Deus Ex Machina and Why We Should Try to Avoid it In Our Writing

Deux Ex Machina is a plot device originating as far back as ancient Greece. While it’s still widely used today, it can end up being problematic. Having some awareness of what Deux Ex Machina is can help us decide how to better manage the climax and resolutions of our stories to ensure that we provide readers with an ending that’s both engaging and satisfactory.

What is Subtext and Why is it Important to Your Story?

Show, don’t tell is an important piece of advice when writing. But did you know that subtext is almost as important when trying to create rich stories that resonate on a soul level with readers? Read on to learn why subtext is an important and integral part of the craft of writing.

white room syndrome

White Room Syndrome: Building Setting and Description in Your Story

We all do it. I know I do. And once I explain what it is, you’ll probably realize you do it, too. It usually goes a little like this: Character A and Character B are having a heated discussion. The dialogue is sharp, piercing. Their expressions and physical language are poignant. The prose that holds…
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Sensitivity Reading

What is Sensitivity Reading and Why do You Need One?

Remember all those Friends episodes where Monica wore a fat suit and everyone made jokes about her weight? Remember the appalling treatment of transgender people in Ace Ventura Pet Detective? More recently, Dr. Seuss’s publisher has made the decision to stop production on six of his books due to racist imagery. In today’s world, this…
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