Tag: writing tips

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How to Stop Letting Perfectionism Control You and Set Your Creativity Free

Perfectionism is the culprit of many unfinished novels. Every single author or aspiring author has had to face off with the villain that is perfectionism. But perfectionism doesn’t have to rule our lives. We don’t have to let it dictate our productivity. Read along to learn some tactics you can apply in your life in order to overcome perfectionism and allow your creativity to flow freely once again.

deus ex machina plot device in fiction writing

What is Deus Ex Machina and Why We Should Try to Avoid it In Our Writing

Deux Ex Machina is a plot device originating as far back as ancient Greece. While it’s still widely used today, it can end up being problematic. Having some awareness of what Deux Ex Machina is can help us decide how to better manage the climax and resolutions of our stories to ensure that we provide readers with an ending that’s both engaging and satisfactory.

white room syndrome

White Room Syndrome: Building Setting and Description in Your Story

We all do it. I know I do. And once I explain what it is, you’ll probably realize you do it, too. It usually goes a little like this: Character A and Character B are having a heated discussion. The dialogue is sharp, piercing. Their expressions and physical language are poignant. The prose that holds…
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Sensitivity Reading

What is Sensitivity Reading and Why do You Need One?

Remember all those Friends episodes where Monica wore a fat suit and everyone made jokes about her weight? Remember the appalling treatment of transgender people in Ace Ventura Pet Detective? More recently, Dr. Seuss’s publisher has made the decision to stop production on six of his books due to racist imagery. In today’s world, this…
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