What is Second-Person Point-of-View and How to Write in This Voice

When talking about writing craft, a topic that will always come up is point-of-view (POV). It’s an important one, since it’s essentially impossible to tell a story without choosing a POV, whether you’re intentionally choosing it or just choosing one based on instinct.
However, because first-person and third-person POV are the most common, and in some respects the most accessible POVs to tell a story from, second-person POV usually gets left behind.
The truth is that experimenting with second-person POV can open us up to a whole world of creativity: a whole new voice, new techniques, new perspectives. Even if it doesn’t become your preferred way of telling stories, writing in second-person POV can be the refresher that you need to get the creative sparks going. Or maybe, you could discover a new tool to incorporate into your already established style and voice. Shall we get into it?
What is second-person POV
The second-person point of view is a narrative perspective where the writer addresses the reader directly using the pronoun “you.” This point of view places the reader in the story, making them an active participant in the narrative. It is less common in fiction but can be very effective in creating a strong connection between the reader and the text.
Characteristics of second-person point of view
- The narrator uses “you” to address the protagonist of the story. This may or may not always be the reader.
- The use of “you,” “your,” and “yours” is predominant.
- It can create a sense of immediacy and intimacy, as the reader feels like they are part of the story.
How to use second-person point of view in creative writing
Second-person works well in short stories, experimental fiction, and interactive narratives like choose-your-own-adventure books.
It can also be effective in certain genres like horror, where creating a personal connection with the reader can heighten the tension.
Tips for using second-person POV
Stick with the second-person perspective throughout the story to avoid confusing the reader unless otherwise necessary. Switching perspectives can disrupt the flow and break the immersion.
Develop a narrative voice that is compelling and engaging. The tone can vary depending on the story, but it should always feel like the narrator is directly communicating with the reader.
Risks with using second-person POV
Second-person can become repetitive and monotonous if not done well. It is often best suited for shorter works or specific sections of a larger work.
Writing in the second-person can be challenging because it requires careful consideration of how the reader will respond to being directly addressed.
Examples of works using second-person POV
- You by Caroline Kepnes
- In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado*
- Bright Lights, Big City by Jay McInerney
*In the Dream House is a collection of essays that tell one cohesive story, and some of these essays are told from second-person POV, but not all.
Take the above tips and try them out for yourself. Remember that writing is a form of art, and in more ways than one, it’s an exploration not just of your voice and writing skill, but also of who you are as a person. Experimenting with new ways of expression can open up new ways of thinking and seeing things that may not have been accessible to us before.
But above everything, be sure to have fun!